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Table 4 Classification for failure symptoms

From: A robustness testing approach for SOAP Web services



Server resource disclosure

Information about the servers filesystem or a physical resource is disclosed

Conversion issues

A conversion problem exists in the service

Wrong type definition

The service operation expects a value whose type is not consistent with what is announced in the services WSDL file

Data access operations

A problem exists related with data access operations

Specific server failure message

An exception is thrown and application or development specific information is revealed. This information is, however, generally too vague or too context-specific to allow us an association with another tag

Persistence error

An exception is thrown indicating a persistence-related problem. This is typically an SQL exception that is thrown as a consequence of improper parameter handling

Argument out of format

The service operation requires a restriction on a parameters format. However, no restriction is specified in the WSDL file, allowing clients to invoke the operation with an out-of-format parameter

Wrapped error information

An error response is wrapped in an expected object. The response indicates the occurrence of an internal error

Array out of bounds

Occurrence of an array access with an index that exceeds the limits of the array (upper or lower)

Null references

A null pointer or reference exception is thrown by the server application

Command or schema disclosure

An internal command is totally or partially disclosed (e.g., an SQL statement is revealed), or the data schema is revealed (e.g., the table names in a relational database are revealed)

Arithmetic operations

An indication of an arithmetic error is returned by the service operation

Division by zero

The service operation indicates that a division by zero has been attempted

Internal function name disclosure

The name of an internal or system procedure is disclosed (e.g., a database stored procedure)

System vendor disclosure

System vendor information is disclosed (e.g., database or operating system vendor)


The service operation is unable to properly handle a value that is larger than the capacity of its container, indicating the occurrence of an overflow error

System instance name disclosure

The name of a system instance is revealed to the client (e.g., a database instance name)

System user disclosure

A system username or password is exposed to the client (e.g., the username used to connect to a database or the operating system username)


Any other service response that does not fit into any of the previous categories