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Table 5 Acronyms used in load analysis

From: A framework for identifying the linkability between Web servers for enhanced internet computing and E-commerce

N cr, N ps, N fs

Average number of different visited sites per session, of parallel sessions per client, and of finished unshipped clickstream records


Average size of clickstream record, of clickstream table, shipdata table, and database

S SID , S Flag , S time , S IP

Size of session id, of flag, of time stamp, and of IP address

N dv

Number of daily visitors to a cooperating server

T bs

Length of a browsing session on a server in seconds


Average number of concurrent users

T rs

Average time it takes for clickstream to be ready to ship to Base Server

μ p , μ N

Number of requests per second that processor can serve, and NIC can handle

M u , M T

Amount of memory used by server, and total memory

ρ P , ρ M , ρ N

Processor, memory, and network utilizations

λ P , λ M , λ N

Frequency (rate) of requests at the processor, for the memory, and for the NIC

λ r , λ a , λ c

Frequency of record transfers, analysis process executions, and user requests

N N , N a , N c

Number of concurrent transfer requests waiting on the NIC, analysis processes execution events, and client requests


Bandwidth, and average bitrate of the Base Server’s NIC

T q , T d, c a c w

Query formulation, DB query execution, and thread context switch times

T tap

Period of traffic analysis process at the Base Server


Thread stack size

S q

Combined size of the client query and the resultant database query

H a , H c

Memory for click stream records, and for processing client requests

N l , N u

Number of records used by analysis process, and transferred from First Servers and not yet processed by Base Server


Average number of associated First Servers per Base Server

N TXfb

Average number of transfers from a First Server to the Base Server