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Table 1 System safety requirements in GIVEN-WHEN-THEN syntax for the door controller to mitigate the hazard “Passengers fall out of the train” connected to the train function “Open external passenger doors”. These requirements describe the behavior of the external train doors equipped with the lock mechanism that makes the door opening function safer. A slightly revised version of the table in [19]

From: Towards a Verification-Driven Iterative Development of Software for Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems


Safety Requirement


GIVEN the train is ready to run


WHEN the driver requests to lock all external doors


THEN the door controller shall close and lock all the external doors


GIVEN an external door is locked


WHEN the passenger requests to open the external door


THEN the door controller shall keep the external door closed and locked


GIVEN an external door is unlocked AND the train is at station


WHEN the passenger requests to open an external door


THEN the door controller shall open the external door


GIVEN all external doors on the side of the train close to the platform are unlocked


WHEN the driver requests to open all external doors


THEN the door controller shall open all external doors on the side of the train close to the platform


GIVEN the train approaches a station


WHEN the driver requests to unlock all external doors that are on the train side close to the platform


THEN the door controller shall unlock all external doors on the side of the train close to the platform


GIVEN the train is running


WHEN an external door is open


THEN the door controller shall provide an alert