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14 result(s) within Volume 5 of Journal of Internet Services and Applications

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  1. Hybrid cloud deployment offers flexibility in trade-offs between the cost-savings/scalability of the public cloud and control over data resources provided at a private premise. However, this flexibility comes ...

    Authors: Nima Kaviani, Eric Wohlstadter and Rodger Lea
    Citation: Journal of Internet Services and Applications 2014 5:14
  2. Imagine a network of entities, being it replica servers aiming to minimize the probability of data loss, players of online team-based games and tournaments, or companies that look into co-branding opportunitie...

    Authors: Anna Chmielowiec, Spyros Voulgaris and Maarten van Steen
    Citation: Journal of Internet Services and Applications 2014 5:12
  3. Recent years have seen the massive migration of enterprise applications to the cloud. One of the challenges posed by cloud applications is Quality-of-Service (QoS) management, which is the problem of allocatin...

    Authors: Danilo Ardagna, Giuliano Casale, Michele Ciavotta, Juan F Pérez and Weikun Wang
    Citation: Journal of Internet Services and Applications 2014 5:11
  4. A human computation system can be viewed as a distributed system in which the processors are humans, called workers. Such systems harness the cognitive power of a group of workers connected to the Internet to ...

    Authors: Lesandro Ponciano, Francisco Brasileiro, Nazareno Andrade and Lívia Sampaio
    Citation: Journal of Internet Services and Applications 2014 5:10
  5. Social media platforms have democratized the process of web content creation allowing mere consumers to become creators and distributors of content. But this has also contributed to an explosive growth of info...

    Authors: Alexandru Tatar, Marcelo Dias de Amorim, Serge Fdida and Panayotis Antoniadis
    Citation: Journal of Internet Services and Applications 2014 5:8
  6. Execution of critical services traditionally requires multiple distinct replicas, supported by independent networks and hardware. To operate properly, these services often depend on the correctness of a fracti...

    Authors: Filipe Araujo, Serhiy Boychenko, Raul Barbosa and António Casimiro
    Citation: Journal of Internet Services and Applications 2014 5:7
  7. Healthcare concerns have become diverse, ranging from acute and chronic conditions to lifestyle, wellbeing and the prevention of illness. Increasingly, individuals are taking responsibility for monitoring thei...

    Authors: Jatinder Singh and Jean M Bacon
    Citation: Journal of Internet Services and Applications 2014 5:6
  8. Broadcast is one of the core building blocks of many services deployed on ad-hoc wireless networks, such as Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs) or Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Most broadcast protocols are howe...

    Authors: Christopher Winstanley, Rajiv Ramdhany, François Taïani, Barry Porter and Hugo Miranda
    Citation: Journal of Internet Services and Applications 2014 5:5
  9. Applications such as Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare have brought the mass adoption of personal short messages, distributed in (soft) real-time on the Internet to a large number of users. These messages are c...

    Authors: Pedro Alves and Paulo Ferreira
    Citation: Journal of Internet Services and Applications 2014 5:4
  10. Student authentication in online learning environments is an increasingly challenging issue due to the inherent absence of physical interaction with online users and potential security threats to online examin...

    Authors: Abrar Ullah, Hannan Xiao, Trevor Barker and Mariana Lilley
    Citation: Journal of Internet Services and Applications 2014 5:2
  11. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is a type of cloud computing in which a tenant rents access to a shared, typically web-based application hosted by a provider. Access control for SaaS should enable the tenant to c...

    Authors: Maarten Decat, Bert Lagaisse and Wouter Joosen
    Citation: Journal of Internet Services and Applications 2014 5:1

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The Journal of Internet Services and Applications is an international journal sponsored by:

Brazilian Internet Steering Committee

National Computer Network Lab

Brazilian Computer Society.