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Transferring message

The Journal of Internet Services and Applications will be transferring to Sociedade Brasileira de Computação from 1st January 2022 to continue publication with the Society. We invite authors to submit their manuscripts to the new Peer Review site:

SpringerNature will continue to host an archive of all articles previously published in the journal.



Thematic series
Automated and verifiable internet services and applications development
Journal of Internet Services and Applications
Edited by: Marco Autili, Massimo Tivoli, Federico Ciccozzi, Farhad Arbab, Dimitra Giannakopoulou and Pascal Poizat
Collection first published: 27 March 2020


Thematic series
Social network analysis and mining
Journal of Internet Services and Applications
Edited by: Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos and Giseli Lopes
Collection first published: 3 September 2018

Thematic series
Internet security and privacy
Journal of Internet Services and Applications
Edited by: Pedro Braconnot Velloso and Leonardo Barbosa
Collection first published: 3 January 2018


Thematic series
Complex distributed systems and systems of systems
Journal of Internet Services and Applications
Edited by: Yehia Elkhatib, Laurent Réveillère and Etienne Rivière
Collection first published: 21 November 2017

Thematic series
Verification and composition for the internet of services and things
Journal of Internet Services and Applications
Edited by: Marco Autili, Massimo Tivoli and Dimitra Giannakopoulou
Collection first published: 5 June 2017

Thematic series
Free and open source software development
Journal of Internet Services and Applications
Edited by: Igor Steinmacher, Brian Fitzgerald, Gregorio Robles and Tom Wasserman
Collection first published: 04 April 2017


Thematic series
Internet of Things
Journal of Internet Services and Applications
Edited by: Nikolaos Georgantas, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Animesh Pathak, and Nalini Venkatasubramanian
Collection first published: 05 May 2016


Thematic series
Smart cities
Journal of Internet Services and Applications
Edited by: Amit Sheth, Michael Sheng, Schahram Dustdar, Edward Curry
Collection first published: 22 December 2015

Thematic series
Software engineering from a social network perspective
Journal of Internet Services and Applications
Collection first published: 24 April 2015

Thematic series
Emergent ideas in middleware
Journal of Internet Services and Applications
Edited by: Luis Veiga
Collection first published: 1 January 2015

Thematic series
Middleware for the Internet of Things
Journal of Internet Services and Applications
Edited by: Danny Hughes and Thais Batista
Coming soon!

Thematic series
Computational intelligence for internet services and applications
Journal of Internet Services and Applications
Edited by: Carlos Kamienski, Rauf Boutaba, Stan Matwin and Stenio Fernandes
Coming soon!

Article collections

Thematic series
Automated and verifiable internet services and applications development
Edited by: Marco Autili, Massimo Tivoli, Federico Ciccozzi, Farhad Arbab, Dimitra Giannakopoulou and Pascal Poizat
Collection first published: 27 March 2020

Thematic series
Social network analysis and mining
Edited by: Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos and Giseli Lopes
Collection first published: 3 September 2018

Thematic series
Internet security and privacy
Edited by: Pedro Braconnot Velloso and Leonardo Barbosa
Collection first published: 3 January 2018

Thematic series
Complex distributed systems and systems of systems
Edited by: Yehia Elkhatib, Laurent Réveillère and Etienne Rivière
Collection first published: 21 November 2017

Thematic series
Verification and composition for the internet of services and things
Edited by: Marco Autili, Massimo Tivoli and Dimitra Giannakopoulou
Collection first published: 5 June 2017

Thematic series
Free and open source software development
Edited by: Igor Steinmacher, Brian Fitzgerald, Gregorio Robles and Tom Wasserman
Collection first published: 04 April 2017

View all article collections

Closed thematic series

Big Data
It has been proven that in a wide range of domains intelligent analyses of big data can lead to profound insights, which in turn can introduce great benefits to businesses, public organizations, and individuals. This thematic series aims to publish top-quality research contributions in this area, emphasizing big data infrastructures, services, and applications.

The Internet of Things
This thematic series aims at providing innovative contributions to the research and development of the Internet of Things, regarding the design, analysis, implementation and evaluation of models, algorithms, protocols, software development platforms and tools, computing and networking architectures, as well as applications for the IoT.

Free and Open Source Software Development
This Thematic Series aims to bring innovative contributions to research and development of Free and Open Source Software Development, creating a source of reference for researchers and practitioners.

Aims and scope

In a world moving rapidly online, and becoming more and more computer-dependent, the Journal of Internet Services and Applications (JISA) focuses on networking, communication, content distribution, security, scalability, and management on the Internet. Coverage focuses on recent advances in the state-of-the art of Internet-related Science and Technology.

It is the wish of the JISA team that all quality articles will be published in the journal independent of the funding capacity of the authors. Thus, if the authors are unable to pay the APC charge, we recommend that they contact the editors. The JISA team will provide support to find alternative ways of funding. In particular, a grant from the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee helps sponsoring the publication of many JISA articles.

Open thematic series

Computational Intelligence for Internet Services and Applications
The Internet has evolved significantly over the 50 years of its existence and it is clear that it still needs to evolve further. The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) has made it possible to provide innovative services and applications. However, the massive amount of data generated by sensors poses new challenges that are still to be adequately addressed. In addition, the current trend towards intelligent Internet services and applications poses new requirements for the networking infrastructure, such as scalability, robustness and configuration flexibility. This Thematic Series aims at revealing contributions of Computational Intelligence (Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Fuzzy Logic and Evolutionary Computation) applied to Internet infrastructure, architectures, protocols, services and applications.

Middleware for the Internet of Things
This JISA thematic series provides a forum for describing innovative contributions and/or ground-breaking results on middleware infrastructure, abstractions and services for enabling the Internet of Things (IoT).

Complex Distributed Systems and Systems of Systems
This Thematic Series provides a forum for describing innovative contributions to the conceptual and architectural design, implementation, deployment, and evaluation of distributed systems with the aim of facilitating complex systems of systems. The series presents novel research efforts and approaches in discovering and actuating opportunistic relationships between systems of different sorts such as big data systems, Internet of Things (IoT) systems, cyber-physical systems, M2M business applications, network overlays, and multimedia delivery systems.

Verification and Composition for the Internet of Services and Things
This Thematic Series aims at new verification and composition techniques able to meet the requirements of modern applications, counteracting the specialization of traditional approaches in order to deal with heterogeneity, dynamicity, adaptation, large scale, mobility, security, etc. We seek contributions at various levels: from foundational aspects to concrete application experiments; from modeling to verification and analysis; from componentization to composition; and from deployment to execution.

Annual Journal Metrics

  • Not applicable

  • This journal is indexed by

    • Scopus
    • Emerging Sources Citation Index
    • EI-Compendex
    • Summon by ProQuest
    • SCImago
    • EBSCO Discovery Dervice
    • Academic OneFile
    • OCLC
    • Summon by ProQuest
    • INSPEC
    • DOAJ
    • DBLP
    • Google Scholar

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Associated Societies

The Journal of Internet Services and Applications is an international journal sponsored by:

Brazilian Internet Steering Committee

National Computer Network Lab

Brazilian Computer Society.